Black and white photograph of a group of African American protesters holding signs that read, "America Needs a New Direction to Fight AIDS, $2.6 Billion for the Ryan White CARE Act" and "America Needs a New Direction to Fight AIDS, $8 Billion for Health Workers in Africa."
Black and white photograph of a protest at the headquarters of the Republican National Committee in Washington, DC, targeting Republican presidential candidate George W. Bush. Protesters hold up signs that read, "Bush AIDS Policy: Coffins for Kids Not Condoms in Schools," "Greedy Wealthy Bush Kills People with AIDS Worldwide," and "Bush AIDS Policy: Incarceration is Rehabilitation, Drug Treatment on Demand!"
John Bell speaks into the handheld microphone of a megaphone at an ACT UP Philadelphia protest of DuPont Pharmaceuticals. He holds two sheets of yellow paper in one hand. Behind him, ACT UP Philadelphia member Kate Sorensen is shouting or chanting and wearing a t-shirt with a pink triangle that reads "Silence = Death." A black banner with white lettering hangs from a truck in the background.
ACT UP Philadelphia protested DuPont to demand a reduction to the price of the HIV medication Sustiva. According to Paul Davis, who took the photo, this action was the first time that John Bell was arrested for civil disobedience.
John Bell reads a speech from a sheet of paper into a microphone during a protest at the headquarters of the Republican National Committee in Washington, DC, targeting Republican presidential candidate George W. Bush. He stands in front of several prop coffins, one with a sign that reads, "Bush's AIDS "Compassion": Spend Twice as Much on Prisons as on Health Care." Protesters behind Bell hold up signs that read, "Bush: Drug Company Puppet, Generic AIDS Drugs for Africa Now!" and, "Bush AIDS Policy: Coffins for Kids Not Condoms in Schools." The man on crutches in the right side of the photo is ACT UP Philadelphia member Joe West.